
Eu4 best african nation
Eu4 best african nation

eu4 best african nation

  • Sunni is the dominant religion in these parts (with the occasional Ibadi and Shia).
  • The occasional Clerical State can be found sporadically.
  • Tribal government forms in the central and western parts (mostly Tribal Despotism and Tribal Monarchy).
  • Monarchy government forms in the northern and eastern parts (mainly Iqta and Autocracy).
  • The break-down of the Northern African regions is as follows: The cooperative Coptic religion starts with two of its bonuses in the bag from the get-go with one holy site already in Coptic hands and another in the process. The Fetishist religion is able to better adapt to situations the more it explores the world with each new faith providing a different cult with a different bonus. The question remains whether they'll be able to put their religious abilities to good use, stop the attackers and perhaps even push them back. In time, the Sunni nations will mange to push the borders against the Fetishist and Coptic nations in the southwestern and southeastern parts respectively. There is an ongoing religious war in the southern parts. In the northeast can be found the resident super-power, the Mamluks, although they are too busy most of the time with the creeping threat from the north in the form of the Ottomans. The area houses the Maghrebi nations in the northwest who cause grief and anguish to the European nations around them due to their ongoing coastal raids. The area is heavily populated although there are more than a handful of uncolonized provinces along its southwestern coast which can be used by the European powers as a stepping stone to get to far lands of the Americas. The Northern African regions are part of the Africa super-region. The regional divisions of North part of the African super-region.

    Eu4 best african nation